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  1. Diary Dates

St. Thomas More Catholic Primary School Upcoming Events........

DATES FOR YOUR DIARY - Please note that all dates are subject to change so please keep checking the newsletter every week. 

May 2024

Friday 17th             Non uniform day for sweets, chocolates & bottles.

Thursday 23rd       May Procession.                                                                                                             Year 6 Drayton Manor Trip.

Friday 24th            Non uniform for chocolates & bottles for Fun Day.                                                     Break up for Half Term.

June 2024

Friday 7th              Non Uniform Day for Bottles for tombola stall.

Monday 10th          Year 6 Laches Wood Trip.

Friday 14th             Non uniform day for Teddy's fund.

Wednesday 19th     Year  Big Bang Fair at NEC. 

Thursday 20th       St. Thomas More Day.                                                                                                   Sports Day.                                                                                                                   FUNDAY.

July 2024

Tuesday 9th            Rounders Match. Year 6 Vs Adults.

Thursday 11th         Leavers Mass. 2.30pm.

Monday 15th           Reports to parents.

Thursday 18th         Signing Assembly. 9.30am & 2pm.

Friday 19th              Year 6 Leavers Assembly. 9am.

Friday 19th               School Closes at 1pm.



 2024 25 Calender.pdfDownload
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